Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'll admit it...

... I miss Coe! I want to come back to school and go to class and do homework and be a nerd again! (Also: I think I am developing an allergy to Hy-Vee because I have been working so much.)

I've been coming down to campus to exercise in Clark because I can't run when it is -12838202 degrees outside AND I can't run anyway because I have patellar tendonitis. Ick. And I drive through campus and I am like, "I want to go live in my dorm and go to the caf to eat mediocre food and sit around in the library and go to class in Hickok even though the bathrooms suck!"

All my textbooks are purchased and sitting, lonely and unused, in my house. Waiting to be put on their shelf in my dorm room and opened and used! :P

But then again... I do get to sit here on my butt, doing nothing except work for 6 hours a day a few days a week... and read lots of books and watch movies on a gorrrrrgeous (and huge) TV and use FAST internet...

Suddenly, I miss Coe a little less. ;)