Monday, February 8, 2010


So I checked Facebook today, as most college students do on a fairly regular basis, and I found out that a girl I graduated with is getting married this spring!

Now, one of my friends got married this last summer, but her marriage was more one of convenience so she could live with her boyfriend/husband on his air force base. They plan to have a wedding ceremony sometime in the future, when they would have ideally gotten married instead.

This other girl, however, is going to have a for-realz ceremony. Which is just crazy! I can't believe I know someone my age who is getting married already! This is crazy talk! But they've been dating forever, and they're adorable and all that jazz. It just makes me feel older, having soon-to-be-married and already-married friends!

In other news: working for the philosophy and religion department is awesome, Hy-vee is notsome and Netflix is still the best thing since sliced bread.