Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Day-After-Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. I spent most of mine either watching the Olympics or working at Hy-Vee, but that's okay. If I hadn't gone to work, I'd just have been an Olympics junkie all day. Did anyone else find they were entranced by the women's and men's moguls this weekend? Loved it! And figure skating last night was fantastic, as usual, but I didn't like how some of the pairs placed, personally. Hmmph.

Now it's back to homework and classes and yadda yadda yadda for the week. I seriously need to get on it! I've been slacking for the last week, and I've got papers due and tests next week and all sorts of crazy IT'S ALMOST MIDTERM ALREADY stuff. It doesn't help when I fall asleep on the couch watching cross country skiing when I should be reading for my novels class. Oops.

Oh! And this is late, but I need to welcome the 2 new bloggers to the team!

