Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're back!

So, we're almost back in the swing of things at Coe. Still haven't had a full week, but I've already gotten into a very efficient homework routine and made official daily to-do lists in various colored Sharpies on notecards. Almost everything gets crossed off every day; the only remaining item on the list tends to be sock laundry. I am down to one pair of socks now, and those are my Halloween socks... so I'd say the situation is getting pretty desperate.

As of now, all of my classes seem very promising. I haven't had more than two class sessions for my MWF classes or my T/Th classes yet, so I'm mostly speculating. But they all seem pretty interesting, if not borderline fun. :P Today, my only class is a topic class on Dante's Divine Comedy, and that's at 2 o'clock. Can I just say how much I love Tuesdays and Thursdays? :)