Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Thanksgiving Break is over. It was nowhere nearly long enough. It was constantly go-go-go(!) between family and friends and work and running and sleep... but it was nice nonetheless. I got to see a few friends I haven't seen in (what feels like) forever, with promises to see them again come Winter Break, so I'm excited.

But now that I'm back, I have been thrust into the horror of what we call FIRST FINALS OF FRESHMAN YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! It's scary, I know. (Though one friend of mine gets to leave almost a week earlier than me because she doesn't have finals. I'm green with envy!) This week and next is totally crammed with papers, final review sheets, speeches/presentations... ack! I've taken to making step-by-step schedules for every day, including classes, meals, running time/showers, and homework run downs. It's worked pretty well so far (I'm managing to finally blog because it is on the schedule!).

Two weeks from now, and I'll be back home for a month. It's going to be awesome! Christmas is right around the corner (and between study sessions, I'll be doing a lot of online shopping... eek!) and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. :D Winter is almost here!!

PS: If anyone cares, I managed to win National Novel Writing Month! 50,067 words! I finished the 15th of November and neglected my novel the rest of the month. Can you say Decemb-o-wri-mo?