Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I am home for Thanksgiving break! Since my parents live 10 minutes from campus, it's not hard to get here. I come home about every Sunday to hang out with the fam before/after I go to work at Hy-Vee. But now I get to actually come home. Sleep in my own bed for a while, sit on the big, warm couch, watch the big, pretty TV... ah... the joys of home.

It's strangely weird and exciting at the same time to be home. I get to shower without wearing flip flops. I can sleep in basically complete darkness and sleep without worrying about anyone else hearing my morning alarm. But now I have to pack a TON of stuff to... come home? I am so firmly rooted in my room at Coe that it's almost a pain to have to come home. So much clothes, toiletries, power cords... ugh. It's just way to complicated (but welcomed anyway)!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I am really excited to be getting some good, quality food in me. I'll be gorging myself on my great-grandma's fresh bread, lots of turkey, potatoes and gravy, non-dried-out baby carrots.... yum.

And seeing high school friends will be the highlight of my week (shortly followed by my own bed... because that's always awesome). I've already met with two friends who I am meeting up with again this week. It's going to involve a lot of food, a lot of talking, a lot of being awesome and happy and stuff.

Then again, I fear that the end of the week will come to soon and I'll be piling back into my dorm again... ::sigh:: Let's cross our fingers that it doesn't play out that way. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun week!

This week has been so busy, but in the best way possible. :) I have had a ton of reading to do, but nothing boring, so that's a plus. I've started back up running this week after taking a week off, and the week off helped a ton. I'm running faster on day-to-day runs than I was a month ago.

On Wednesday, Hana Pestle came to Coe. She was amazing. She played a bunch of original songs that you can find on her Myspace as well as some really great covers. She played "Creep" by Radiohead and did a really awesome cover of "Zombie" by the Cranberries, which she finished by mixing it in with "Paparazzi." It was a really fun night, followed by a ton of writing for National Novel Writing Month (nearly at 50k now!)

Then last night, I went to the Coe theater production of "She Would if She Could." It was three hours long -- pretty much on the dot -- but it was really, really entertaining. I wasn't always quite clear on what was going on (or, rather, who was lusting after who). There was a ton of innuendo and between each scene there was a funny sexual song. It definitely wasn't for kids, but watching old men in the audience being serenaded by one of the actresses in the cast was hilarious for everyone in the theater. There are going to be more showings this weekend and next, so I would definitely recommend going; it was a blast.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


IT IS NOVEMBER 7th AND IT IS 58 DEGREES OUT AND COUNTING!!! I just went for my first run in a week (yay for healing my legs!) and it was HOT. I had to take off my shirt, which I haven't done since the beginning of September! This is crazy! It is supposed to be up to 72 degrees today, which is just so weird!

These prospies wandering campus have it so nice! It's a gorgeous day for touring campus. Whenever I came to Coe for a campus tour, it was cold and windy and cloudy and gross. :P

I definitely plan on soaking up some sun today... probably going to be the last chance to do so for MONTHS AND MONTHS so I better live it up while I can! NaNoWriMo, outdoors style? I think so!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Can I just throw it out there that I am LOVING November so far?

My most stressful week of my life (last week) is over. I got my laptop back last Friday, right in time for National Novel Writing Month. I finally get to start training for my marathon (Green Bay Marathon, May 16). It is that comfortable cold during the afternoon that makes it awesome for running/walking around/being outside. There is a lull before the hectic holiday season. It's just a great time to be alive and living at Coe College. :)

But I really want to stress that... IT IS NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH!
For those of you who aren't aware of that that is, NaNoWriMo is a writing challenge in which you write 50,000 words over the course of the 30 days of November. This is the 11th year that it has been going on, and the fourth year that I've attempted the challenge. I finished my sophomore and junoir years of high school, but fell short my senior year because AP Lit got th best of me. But I am well on my way to winning it again this year! Five days and 18000 words in... I'm way ahead of schedule (by about 9000 words!). It's been a breezy.

We also just signed up for classes. I was going to petition for a fifth class, but that class is full anyway, so I think I might just chill with the four I have (which were all ones I wanted):
-Western Civ SINCE 1500
-US History since 1865
-Topic: Novels (::excited!!::)
-Topic: Dante (::more excited!!:)

Next term is going to rock.
But maybe not as hard as the month of November. :P